Gojira night Movie 2



Gojira vs. SpaceGodzilla


-erm? SpaceGodzilla is that really what they are going to call this monster?

-um? Spinny cortex of dizzy



-Title scene cut in half?

-*makes derpy face*

-random drills


-If Mechagodzilla is in this, why isn’t his name in the title?

-Is it because they cut the title in half, using widescreen, as is? Or Is he just not that important.

-People meditating in glass triangles?

-I’M LOST!!!

-Project Telepathy?


-Wait? Is this what they were trying to tie in with Godzilla vs. DESTROYAH? When the girl said she didn’t want her powers?

-Why did I accidently switch the sides and watch GVD first? Sigh


-Exposition humans!

-Man with knife stabbing a spider on a mans neck…meanie (poor spider)


-derp face

-Oh gods! Godzuki (Minilla) looks like a baby green turd again!!

-..why do I think he’s kind of cute?

-random teepee

-Horrible green screen…in SPACE!!

-Flucking earrings!!


-little itty bitty mothra!

-TWIN FAIRIES!! Wow they changed their looks probably because the first Twin Fairies when Mothra was introduced got old. Looked good though.

-Digging holes?..in sand.

-Planting tear gas bombs? WTF?!

-Yeah Godzilla is totally going to die because of TEAR GAS BOMBS!

-..Blood coagulant?

-How does G-force know so much about Godzilla’s weakness?


-Falling Crystal ball…from SPACE!

-da faq?! IS that what this thing looks like?

-project “T” is for psychics to controll Godzilla?

-That is at least what I’m getting

-Cliched you wouldn’t understand because you’re men line add here


-Oh gods Godzuki is even more green this time.

-Daw he waved, he wants to play with small fragile human

-DESTROY HER! I mean…play nice now Godzuki.


-aww poor baby!


-I get way into these dang movies don’t I?

-Here’s DADDY!

-Don’t pick on Godzuki because Godzill will whoop your tush!

-I dislike not being able to swear on this site, but trade off’s right?

-Godzilla stepped on beach

-pink dust everywhere

-you bastards you hurt my Gojira! (amplifier was shot into his back)

-psychics at work

-looks like a diaper on her head or at least panties. Silver ones.

-Oh, no! Coagulant douche is back

-Godzilla is obeying? He’s walking like psychic wanted him too

-Dolls on wires…in SPACE!!!!

-Oh, metal doll isn’t Mechagodzilla, is just a mecha

-SpaceGodzilla looks so goofy

-Military get’s arse handed to them (check Godzilla movie cliché).

-Dumbshlit scientists get impatience and mess shlit up cliché add here.

-Godzilla knew there was a space monster coming in for a landing?


-Stupid men cliché line add here

-Dang this ones just full of cliché s or at least ones I’m noticing

-Coagulant douchebag’s name is Yuki. Hehe.

-Commando men

-Godzuki meets Spacegodzilla

-Yes! Run Godzuki!

-Wait no Godzuki run! Can’t you tell it’s not your dad?!

-Spacegodzilla is hurting Junior! WAH! O.O

-Here’s DADDY! (swear last time I make that joke).

-Aw poor baby Godzuki!

-Godzilla calling to his son

-Spacedozilla wants Junior to himself?

-then why hurt him

-Daw Godzill is protecting Godzuki.So sweet. NO! Godzuki’s being crystalknapped! Or more like SPACEKNAPPED! DUN DUN DUUUUUUN!

-Psychic staring into ocean, trying to be deep

-love interest blossoms cliché because she’s oh so heartfelt

-Spacegodzilla is even a joke to people in the movie

-explanation is too complicated. Godzilla’s Gcells launched into space after mothra and “evil” mothra fought him in different movie and got put through a black hole and a white whole and then went into mutation chain?

-military wanting to try again, even though we all know they are going to fail again.

-Way to much starring off into the ocean/sunset.

-MOTHRA! Or is it the Twin Fairies as ittybitty mothra?

-Talking about Godzilla’s GoodGoodGood Good vibrations, which are technically downward spiral.

-I can’t love you because you think about hurting to much. Godzilla has feelings like humans. Cliché 1 and cliché 2

-I need to add a cliché count to this

-Also, overacting gauge.

-Revenge plot added to already plot filled movie.

-Military trying to use (kidnapped) Psychic girl to control Godzilla to fight SpaceGodzilla?

-Smarmy guy in jumpers and really long chin

-fat guy not wanting to leave claw machine when SPACEgodzilla attacks. Well he’s more just like fly by.

-Godzilla tracker is gone

-G-force? Again guys?

-Psychic was flipped over

-now is levitating bed? Da Hella?

-This guy just asked what Telekinesis is. How does he not know?

-Space Godzilla—is coming!


-Smarmy Scientist is freaking out because SpaceGodzilla is coming to kill him.

-Whoops Smarmy Scientist is dead. Oh well.

-seriously flying crystal turtle looking godzilla is not threatening.

-They are trying the mecha again?

-Yuki looks to old for lady scientist

-he gives her a gold zippo

-psychic gives her man the I’ve basically said I hate you but I am madly in love with you look. Cliché

-mecha looks like a penguin?

-I am going to let the cliché word drop for now because I am pretty sure you are tired of hearing it.

-crystal bodies to take over Tokyo?

-military butting in again so the inevitable kaiju rumble is delayed. It fails

-Godzilla knocks over building

-Yuki still trying to kill Godzilla

-Yuki is ringed

-Whoohoo more Spacegodzilla crystals glowing and screaming

-triumphant battle music with mecha is reminding me of “what a day in london” from Pocahontas 2

-Product placement?

-Spacegodzilla is fly with dancing crystals around him. Pretty

-the flying affect goofy looking.

-Spacegodzilla uses protect! Godzilla’s attack is thwarted!

-Crystal bombs!

-Flying firework crystals!

-That towns a model Arthur: SHH!

-Separation of penguin mecha commence

-Constipation face. I wonder if that’s Kristen Stewart’s ancestor or relative or something?

-Yuki got shot down!

-Godzilla takes down tower? Why was the tower important? I must have missed that

-A boxing match between Godzilla and Spacegodzilla? What did power attacks stop working?

-Hey military why are you shooting Godzilla? He’s helping you out!

-Shoulders crystals have been shattered! Was that something that needed doing?

-Oh, shlit. Godzilla is not happy.

-Yuki still trying to kill Godzilla even though he is still needed to kill Spacegodzilla. Seriously you dumbdickwaffle, stahp it!

-Yuki kamikazes himself and destroys model towers…and doesn’t die! The Hel?

-Psychic doing psychic stuff with her man…did psychic girl just kill Yuki?

-Godzilla walks away like a BAMF after blowing up Spacegodzilla and Mecha Penguin

-So romance man to psychic doesn’t die…and freaking Yuki is still alive…dang it. Someone make a spoof of Godzilla stepping on Yuki just because he deserves it!

-So that’s your explanation movie? That Spacegodzilla was a warning to man kind about the universe being polluted? Wasn’t that what Biollante was for?

-Psychic and Godzilla have a moment? Weird.

-Yuki runs off into the ocean after Godzilla o.O really dude give it up.

-Whoohoo Godzuki is safe! And starts a fire!

-Daw what a good destruction kaiju

-so psychic gets love interest and Ends with Godzilla walking off into the ocean.


Dang that is at least a good 4 pages worth of pure at the moment commentary about a movie. I hope you are happy, but actually it was kind of fun. It did help me pay more attention to the movies while I was doing this. Maybe I’ll do more reviews like this. You might not like them and if you don’t then I will turn the notes into paragraph form later on, but for right now. I am going to just post GVSpG and GVD. You tell me what you think based on my thoughts. Would you want to watch it? Since I didn’t comment about editing, voice acting, or quality of the screen, by just what I put down would you watch the Godzilla movies? Anyway that is about it for this post. Toodles.


Openly yours,



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