WARNING!!! Sensitive material!!

 Guess what day it is?! Guess what day it is! It’s Valentines day!!! And whether you love it or hate it (DON’T COMPLAIN) it is on your mind today; but you know what? I’m not going to talk about Valentines day on Valentines day. Oh no! That’d be cliché; I also bet every single one of you is tired about hearing of it this day. So, instead I am going to talk about something overly depressing and serious. Hold onto yours feels readers, it’s about to get heavy in here.

The other day, I think wednesday. I was discussing with my fiance about children. We both really want them. I want like six. Why? Because I think my legacy will help the next generation of kids. Anyway, while I was talking happily about my cute-future-to-be children, a very sad thought crossed my mind. Or more like an event I’ve read. In the past few years at a skyrocketing rate people have been getting their children taken away, because THEY ARE NOT DOCTRINATING THEM IN AN ABRAHAMIC/CREATIONIST RELIGION. So, I’m like, “Oh, shlit!” That means I’ll either have to move to a place I know doesn’t do that. Which is west coast or flucking scotland! And to add to this thought, my fiances father is a whole religious nut! He’s insane about it. And my own mother is going on a christian binge (I say this because she gets really religious for a few months and then it drops away), but these are two closely familiar people, family members, that would be more then willing to take our children away even if we are great parents just because of Fiance’s lack of religion, and my polytheistic one. Great!

It’s just amazing to think that the woman I went to all of her surgeries, took care of post said surgeries, and watching while she was going through her medical drugs addiction; which caused seizures, black outs, hallucinations, and a strong high. That she would take my children from me. The only child that even talks to her left. The one that has done so much for her and still does. Would do that to her own daughter! It’s heartbreaking! His father I could see because he’s a control freak, he literally makes a motions of putting people under his thumb if he thinks they are below them. Fiance ran away from his home because of this man. But I digress.

These thoughts just broke me. This is the 21st century (right?) yet this can legally still happen? Why? I would never physically, emotionally, or mentally abuse my child. I’m not a pedophile (ew) and I think I’d make a great soon to be parent. I have 10 (still growing) nieces and nephews, whom I have all watched. I’ve changed diapers, made bottles, fed kids, put kids down to sleep, and even gotten up with one of them when they were living at my house and I was still in high school. I’d wake up when that baby started crying immediately which his mother didn’t even do and they were in the same room! So, I will be punished because, “I’m not following a child friendly religion”. Excuse you?! How do you know? Have you ever even done research about my religion that was outside of asking your pastor/priest/whoever? No, I don’t think so. So don’t pass judgment on me, when the Bible has a story about a father nearly sacrificing his son because his god told him too. And this is a story told to children? Great!

Sorry, I apologize I shouldn’t be attacking the religion of anyone, but it’s just a large group that would be willing to do this that I can’t single out just one person. I know I mentioned my Fiance’s father and my mother, but just that the DCFS would do what they said on just the religion fact alone, which means it’s the group. Yet, people that abuse, molest, ignore, and try to kill their kids are just fine or sometimes get away with it? What kind of shlit is that? It’s not fair and cruel to parents that might be terrific at their positions. Can you see why I get upset at the thought of this? I mean just besides the fact that our parents that raised us would pull such a betrayal, but the fact that the state and government would back them up in a court of law. Even though freedom of religion and speech is in the Constitution. Thanks guys. Thanks.

So now I am terrified of having even just one child and letting it be around anyone that might be capable of doing this. Because there is no way, I’ll indoctrinate my child to any specific religion. They will have the knowledge that religion exists and that they have a choice and they can make that choice when they want too. I’m not going to force anything on them. Not ever. Kids are not meant to be programmed, they are meant to flourish and learn on their own time. That’s the beauty of children, they have their whole lives ahead of em. Even though this world is unfair, cruel, corrupted, and down right dangerous. I think that the next generation could change that or the generation after. Children are always changing something, maybe not when we expect them too, but usually when it is needed. Even if my children do not enrich the lives on this planet to a great extent, I know my life would be enriched for having and watching these beautiful souls growing, learning, and the little lives they change just by being friends or meeting. That is what I want for my kids and that’s what I hope that happens. And if it doesn’t I will still love my kids. I love my kids now with every thing I am even before having them. No I am not pregnant either (I hope). I am not saying this in because of some emotional state. That is just how I see children. And the fact that I am so scared of having them because of this bull, makes me very sad. To the point of where I’ve had to fight back major episode of tears. This is not a good thought for a person with really bad depression to think about. This subject has even made me want to go back to counseling. That is how low this thought process has made me. All in about a few seconds of each other of thinking about it. The saddest thing is that I can’t think of a sound solution. The only solution I did come up with is move before I have kids. But the moving a far distance is a whole other story that I’ll get to later.


Hehe ^^; sorry I did get really serious there. And kind of angry I apologize if I hurt anyones feelings by getting angry at your religion. I’m sorry. Just know I don’t have anything against people with different religions, I wasn’t meaning to make any person feel bad. I’m sorry. However, if you have comments and concerns about what was talked about in this post I’d love to read them and respond. I do support debate, but not hate. No hate comments or arguments. Keep it civil and we are all peachy keen. Anyway, thank you for taking time out of your night or day to read this. I hope you all had a good day. Toodles.

Openly Yours,

