Hope for Gen 7 in Pokemon

 Goodnight, Readers! Okay that sounds like I’m going to bed, but it’s not evening anymore, is it? What qualifies as Night and Evening in the term of greetings or salutations? Why do most people only say Goodnight when they are going to bed or sleep (those can be different)? Why am I asking these questions? To be honest I don’t know that was just a tangent I guess. Anyway, for this post I want to discuss my hopes for generation 7 pokemon game. I know most of my readers aren’t into pokemon even if they are gamers. That’s fine. But if you are then maybe you can sympathize with my hopes? Plus, I like Pokemon and it’s fun to talk about, so let us delve right into it.


Eins: I want to be able to become a Gym Leader. Pokemon should have that option after we beat the Elite Four + Champion we should be given a Gym, if we want it, and be able to custom design our badges and what our Gym can be themed as. Ex: I’d be an Eevee Gym, with a rainbow themed badge. By this point most everyone has gathered quite a bit of money and could possibly do this.


Zwei: I wish they’d let gamers to pick their Pokemon Careers such as; breeders, scientists, trainers, and even Evil Team members! Ever since the first game came out, I’ve heard that people wanted to join Team Rocket, or Team Flare (which is the current evil team). It seems like everyone wants this. Why not have it? Fable has it. Pokemon could surely accomplish this.


Drie: Legendary breeding! Come on! I want to be able to breed my Xerneas, that way I can has shiny!


Vier: Fusion pokemon! That’d be awesome! But unlikely. Fusing pokemon is where one takes a skitty and breeds it with an Moltres; you’ll get Skitres or Molty (hehe). And that thing would probably would look really ugly. But you have a legendary fire pokemon breeded with a “moon” pokemon. The type would be Moon Fire, doesn’t that just sound freaking awesome?


Funf: Better Documentation? I’ve seen this one and have heard it suggested, although there is like everything documented. There are walkthroughs on Youtube, Bulbapedia, Seriibi, and many others. It’s the internet EVERYTHING is documented.


Sechs: They should allow for more pokemon to be carried. The standard is Six and it hasn’t changed since Generation 1! I’d like maybe 10 or 8. How else am I supposed to train my Eevees all at the same time to make sure they level evenly? Or if they won’t allow more carries, how about easier access? In the Anime on ones pokedex the character could hit a white button to trade pokemon back and forth from the boxes. However, in game, one has to constantly go to the Pokemon centers and log on to a computer and take this entire long process to just get out a different pokemon. That is all way to complicated. Please can we change this?


Sieben: More attack slots. Please? I want more than 4 fight slots. Especially if these flucker have to be my HM salves. That sounds bad, but seriously, in every Pokemon game there are these moments throughout the entire game where we need certain moves such as; cut, waterfall, surf, strength, rock smash, flash, and fly. These all take up different slots. Such as my Machoke, Liddel he has Strength and Rock smash, because I need the HM s to accomplish certain missions but only allowed to carry Six pokemon. So I have to cary 4 HM slaves which only leaves me 2 fun pick Pokemon carry room left. This is why having better access to the boxes, more fight slots, and were allowed to carry more than 6 pokemon would make this game a lot more fun and easier to play. I mean the game will already take hundreds of hours for people to get their fill of it, if they do, at least make it easier for us.


Acht: The Shiny trait should be genetic. If a Shiny pokemon breeds with a shiny pokemon or a normal one then there should be a 1 out of 50 or 1 out of 1000 chance of having a Shiny born. Why make it so difficult? Game freak knows that Shiny hunting and chaining is what people keep the game for. So why not make it slightly easier to catch? I’d like to be able to catch or breed one shiny! PLEASE!


Neun: This is a person hope, I want the Kimonos that Valerie’s followers and Valerie herself wears! I want them so bad. I’d pay any price for them, that way I’d love my outfit so much I wouldn’t want to change….ever!


Zehn: More new Types. The Fairy type was awesome, there should be more.


Elf: Better Poke balls. We need more master balls or more places we can earn more money so that we can afford to use 60 balls per Legendary. Thank you!


Zwolf: Better Shiny Colors. Seriously I cannot tell the difference on Shiny Leafeon and Glaceon. Also why so much green?! I dislike GREEN?! WHY IS THERE SO MUCH GREEN?! Especially in my Eevee family? Stupid green! Stupid shiny colors. Why is a Shiny called a shiny, when it clearly sparkles?


Dreizehn: More Mega evolutions and evolutions. I want my Delphox and Rhapidash should have Mega evolutions! And as always there needs to be more eeveelutions.


Vierzehn: Easier maps to navigate? That’d be kind a lot taken out of my CHASING AROUND ZAPDOS IN GEN 6! cough Anway, moving on.


Actually, that is about all that I can come up with. Besides the mention of color the pokemon better in Generation 7 they looked really pale and hard to tell if they were shiny colors or not. So what do you think about Pokemon? Have you played ever in your life? Ever gotten curious on if you should? Any comments or questions please leave below and I will get to you as soon as possible. Have a good night and thanks for reading. Toodles.


Openly yours,

