Gojira night Movie 1



Godzilla vs. DESTROYAH!



-brought back oxygen destroyer. Micro Ogygen

-tying into first movie

-Kids from the original love pair

-Precambrian area life in dirt sample? Hit with oxygen destroyer which makes it mutate

-water eats away at fish at local aquarium (new monster perhaps?)

-godzilla a ticking nuke bomb because of heart

-2 destroyah’s?

-talking to guy selling me this movie and he said Destroyah right and I commented on it he turns to me and said how else is it supposed to be pronounced. I told him I’ve heard people call it Detroyer when that’s not what it says. They think it’s just a typo.

-destroyah looks badass…does that mean there’s 3?

-gets bigger more it…eats?

-Poor tokyo

-Godzilla’s on fire!

-…not really he just looks like lava

-woman to loose powers? Wait what did I miss?

-Adult Godzuki (did I spell that right?)

-Godzilla hot hot reptile. 900 degrees hot that is.

-too much talky not enough Dai Kaiju

-dozens of DESTROYAHS!

-Now one big DESTROYAH!

-Destroyah destroying the city in daylight

-Godzuki (or minilla) wondering around, Godzilla following.

-Godzuki(Minilla) going to fight DESTROYAH!

-Destroyah is a horrible shot. :/

-Minilla takes down Destroyah with nuke breath

-Headbutting competition?

-Yay building destroying and explosions!

-GOJIRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! has arrived

-Destroyah is sucking Minilla’s life away! HURRY PA—wait never mind Godzuki blasted Destroyah’s ass. Dang he grew up to be a big boy.

-Daw Daddy and sons reunion. So cute!…Aw shlit,DESTROYAH IS BACK! And he’s badder then ever.

-Aw shlit he’s got wings!

-Godzilla is to hot for this movie, nearly 1200 degrees.

-Freeze Godzilla at right time.

-Play hammer time maybe he’ll pause when the song does?

-Oh,no! DESTROYAH kidnapped Minilla and dropped him on a building!! bites finger nails What next?

-He blows building up…..


-gasp! GODZUKI NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-Godzilla crying….

-Me crying….


-Rumble time with Ticking Nuke Bomb and Rebirth of the Oxygen DESTROYAH! (no that will never get old, sorry not sorry).

-Which one will destroy the planet themselves and the planet first?

-Ick DESTROYAH’s yellow blood.

-looks like piss

-Miniature DESTROYAHS are attacking.

-Gojira kicked your little crab like red arse DESTROYAH!

-Godzilla giving life to Minilla Or at least tried?

-Godzilla exploding

-DESTROYAH is not done yet?!

-Gojira’s melting!!No!:(

-Did you know that there’s a Wikizilla? I should investigate this.

-1200 meltdown

-being frozen now….*hideous sobbing*

-Gojira sniffles

-They gave him a beautiful death scene though.

-Gojira’s going bye bye.

-Please have a moment of silence for the dead Godzilla


-Godzuki? Is he alive?! GODZUKI!!!!!!

-Now slide show of past movies while rolling credits. Or more like just two scenes from the first movie? Alright then.



Wow, not as many notes as I thought I was going to put down for this one. Oh well. I enjoyed the movie. It’s about my favorite so far out of the franchise. Except for when Mothra show’s up. I really like Mothra. You might get that out of my next commentary on GVSpG. Also, if you watch this, trying yelling out DESTROYAH ever time Destroyah is on screen, it helps you get more involved and it’s fun to say it with a funny accent. So what do you think on my commentary? Would you watch it? Did you like how I did this? If not leave a comment and I will respond as soon as possible. Toodles.


Openly yours,




Eevee Gym Leader

I’m the Gym leader of SPOILERS!! I guess, somewhat. Meh. 

 Greetings readers! I’ve been on hiatus, why? Because I cannot post anything on my other blogging site. (P.S. This is an old entry, maybe a week old. I finished the game back in January. So that means I got my Umbreon, too. Now just shiny hunting. I’ve found nothing).


Anyway, for the past few months, I think starting November; I’ve started playing the Pokemon games. So far I’ve really only played two for a long time, even though I have 4 games to my name. Yellow, is slightly boring and Pikachu isn’t that great of a starter and my Crystal game won’t save. Which I only found out after playing it for 5 to 7 hours straight. Going to bed. Coming back to it, to find…..NOTHING SAVED!! Argh!!! And I had my Cinnamon (Cyndaquil) evolved by this point. So, I cannot finish that one. However, I’ve beaten the story plot, caught the legendaries; birthed, hatched, and evolved all of my Eevees ( which only include Eevee himself, Vaporeon, Jolteon, and Flareon at this point in the gen games) in FireRed. Also, my Charizard is level 94. He’s almost at 100. Then all of my Eevees and Required’s (these are what I call the ones with the TM s such as: Cut, fly, surf, bolder smash, strength, and waterfall). Charizard’s name is Prince. Jolteon’s is Spark. Flareon is Blaze. Vaporeon is Delta. Eevee is Vater (which is German for father).


However, I’ve changed the names a little bit in Pokemon X, which I got for my birthday with a Nintendo 3DS (fLuck 2DS it looks goofy and uncontrollable (personal opinion)). I like the game play in X; even though I’ve had to restart thrice over. That was annoying, but I got all 3 Gen 6 starters and all of Gen 1 starters. Plus, working on getting all 9 Eevees. I just evolved my Sylveon this morning. Jolteon, Flareon and Vaporeon were all hatched and evolved last night. Also, I have the guide book so that’s helping, since I’m a noob at this. I think I am going to wait to fill up my pokedex until the pokedex guide book is out….since I have no idea what pokemon really came after 2nd Gen. I know I’ve late especially since I’m a 90’s kid. But I have never really been a gamer. My brothers were the only ones to ever get a game console of any kind in the family. The one I did get, my brother sold because he thought I was on it too much. Even though I was the only one that still got their homework and chores done. I was the one not failing school. And it was either play my Dreamcast or watch TV. I had no “real” friends and it was far to dangerous for me to go outside as a kid. Brother made a lot of enemies as did I (somehow). I guess being fat and an outsider marks a child for bullies and fake ass friends. Anyway, Bro told Mom, Mom never liked me being boyish anyway, so bye-bye Dreamcast (which was given to me by my Daddy and I never saw the money for, gee thanks). I digress though. Pokemon X is a pretty awesome game. My Delphox (who’s name is Gandalf) is level 64 (I think). About the only thing I do not like about the game is that…I cannot control the camera (not the picture taking camera, the camera that shows where I am, especially when I am in Lumiose) that’s annoying and the skates are a little hard to maneuver. Also, I cannot figure out how to take pictures of my Pokemon. I’d love to show you how beautiful they are.


Then there is the issue I have with the bad guy, Lysander. Seriously, if someone didn’t guess it from the start I am a little worried about said person. I really don’t like predictability. Why is it ‘always’ the gingers that are singled out for evil? And the price for being in Team Flare, what the ever living Unknown, is that price about? Who can afford that? The members must be all rich. This brings up a thought though. Why haven’t we had a Pokemon game that will actually let the player join the evil group? For the longest time I wanted to be with Team Rocket. Or how about a Pokemon professor or breeder or whatever. Or better yet, let us start our own Gym? I’d love to be a Gym leader! I could be the Eevee Gym leader, since I’m an Eevee fanatic! My gym badge could be a rainbow heart or something like that, since you could totally put the eevees in a rainbow. Or the badge could be made out of Opal! That’d be awesome! Like have us completely design our own Gym, rules and followers. Why can’t this happen?


Again I’m off topic. I really don’t know the best pokemon game out there, but that’s because I haven’t played them all. I kind of need my own gameboy advanced to really play all of them. This is something I want to do, yet I need most of the games. Practically all of them. So that’s two things I need. Gameboy advanced (preferably black) and most of the games. LOL! Which games do you think I should try out? Is there a particular favorite of yours? What about favorite and least favorite Gen and Pokemon? Please. PLEASE! Leave a comment or question below, since I enjoy hearing from people. Thanks again for the time you gave to read this. Toodles.


Openly yours,


Oh Canada….seriously?!


 “A stoner metalhead named Todd Smith, his crushee Jenny, his best friend Curtis, and the geeky Hannah, search their high school for a mayhem-causing Satanic spell book, while being opposed by Atticus, the evil guidance councilor.” -IMDB

Goodevening? Um, so today I’d like to bring up a show called, Todd and the book of Pure evil. Where do I start? Let’s start with the typical plot line; boy likes girl, girl is dating a jock/bully, girl doesn’t know boy, boy tries to empress her by some satanic powers or book in this case, and “hilarity” ensues. I guess it’s supposed to be. There are some spot that are funny. It’s pretty good just not as funny as they are going for. There is a bunch of gross humor; like pooping on a desk, or putting beer in spittoon and drinking it. Ewww. There is twisted humor like tearing out a persons heart and making a breaking your heart joke. Saw it coming but I thought it funny. Then there is dirty humor and tons of it. The entire plot is about trying to loose their virginity. Also, Penisbasilisk that has a voice of Ricardo Montalban (not really but it’s one of those voices).

It’s a good watch if you can get past the cliches, different humor, high school setting, and gore. Which I can. I grew up on B movies so cheap independent films are up my alley. This however, isn’t a movie it’s a show. There are two seasons and I think second one is better. It’s at least the one with the musical episode. Whoohoo! I forgot to mention that this show is heavy metal music based. Which I love that aspect because usually everything is pop or dance.

There is also some character development that makes no sense. Like the main girl character Jenny is a metal lover who is dating a jock. Then the protagonist Todd, acts like it’s strange for her to like jocks or that Jenny thinks that she’s not “popular” after being “popular”. One of the supporting girls Hannah is really bad at science, until dealing with the book, then she’s really good at science (even though that wasn’t the wish she made from the book). There is also a plot point of following around this one cheerleader that just won’t die. Seriously what good is a figurative red shirt (that’s a star trek reference look it up on TV tropes if you don’t get it), if they don’t die? Dear gods, why won’t she die? Futhermore how is a town built on satanism, not have more satanist in it? But that’s a big plot point that I don’t want to really tell you too much about. There are only 26 episodes, so I don’t think it would be a big issue for interested readers to watch. It’s on netflix right now. If you don’t have netflix try youtube.

So the people you need to know about is; Todd played by Alex House, Jenny played by Maggie Castle, Hannah played by Melanie Leishman, Curtis played by Bill Turnbull, Atticus played by Chris Leavins, and Jimmy played by Jason Mewes. These are basically the characters the show focuses on. But every episode focuses on a new canon fodder, or many. The story was created by Craig David Wallace, Charles Picco, and Anthony Leo. They have been trying desperately to make the third season but have been failing. So you have to deal with a teaser at the end of season 2 for now. Sorry guys. Todd and the book of pure evil aired in Canada September 2010 and ended January of 2012. And I hope they make the third season.

So what do you think? Are you going to watch Todd and the book of pure evil? Did I sway you? Lol probably not. Anyway, tell me what you think about the description or ask questions. I enjoy comments and reads. Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to read this. Toodles.

Openly yours,
