Gojira night Movie 2



Gojira vs. SpaceGodzilla


-erm? SpaceGodzilla is that really what they are going to call this monster?

-um? Spinny cortex of dizzy



-Title scene cut in half?

-*makes derpy face*

-random drills


-If Mechagodzilla is in this, why isn’t his name in the title?

-Is it because they cut the title in half, using widescreen, as is? Or Is he just not that important.

-People meditating in glass triangles?

-I’M LOST!!!

-Project Telepathy?


-Wait? Is this what they were trying to tie in with Godzilla vs. DESTROYAH? When the girl said she didn’t want her powers?

-Why did I accidently switch the sides and watch GVD first? Sigh


-Exposition humans!

-Man with knife stabbing a spider on a mans neck…meanie (poor spider)


-derp face

-Oh gods! Godzuki (Minilla) looks like a baby green turd again!!

-..why do I think he’s kind of cute?

-random teepee

-Horrible green screen…in SPACE!!

-Flucking earrings!!


-little itty bitty mothra!

-TWIN FAIRIES!! Wow they changed their looks probably because the first Twin Fairies when Mothra was introduced got old. Looked good though.

-Digging holes?..in sand.

-Planting tear gas bombs? WTF?!

-Yeah Godzilla is totally going to die because of TEAR GAS BOMBS!

-..Blood coagulant?

-How does G-force know so much about Godzilla’s weakness?


-Falling Crystal ball…from SPACE!

-da faq?! IS that what this thing looks like?

-project “T” is for psychics to controll Godzilla?

-That is at least what I’m getting

-Cliched you wouldn’t understand because you’re men line add here


-Oh gods Godzuki is even more green this time.

-Daw he waved, he wants to play with small fragile human

-DESTROY HER! I mean…play nice now Godzuki.


-aww poor baby!


-I get way into these dang movies don’t I?

-Here’s DADDY!

-Don’t pick on Godzuki because Godzill will whoop your tush!

-I dislike not being able to swear on this site, but trade off’s right?

-Godzilla stepped on beach

-pink dust everywhere

-you bastards you hurt my Gojira! (amplifier was shot into his back)

-psychics at work

-looks like a diaper on her head or at least panties. Silver ones.

-Oh, no! Coagulant douche is back

-Godzilla is obeying? He’s walking like psychic wanted him too

-Dolls on wires…in SPACE!!!!

-Oh, metal doll isn’t Mechagodzilla, is just a mecha

-SpaceGodzilla looks so goofy

-Military get’s arse handed to them (check Godzilla movie cliché).

-Dumbshlit scientists get impatience and mess shlit up cliché add here.

-Godzilla knew there was a space monster coming in for a landing?


-Stupid men cliché line add here

-Dang this ones just full of cliché s or at least ones I’m noticing

-Coagulant douchebag’s name is Yuki. Hehe.

-Commando men

-Godzuki meets Spacegodzilla

-Yes! Run Godzuki!

-Wait no Godzuki run! Can’t you tell it’s not your dad?!

-Spacegodzilla is hurting Junior! WAH! O.O

-Here’s DADDY! (swear last time I make that joke).

-Aw poor baby Godzuki!

-Godzilla calling to his son

-Spacedozilla wants Junior to himself?

-then why hurt him

-Daw Godzill is protecting Godzuki.So sweet. NO! Godzuki’s being crystalknapped! Or more like SPACEKNAPPED! DUN DUN DUUUUUUN!

-Psychic staring into ocean, trying to be deep

-love interest blossoms cliché because she’s oh so heartfelt

-Spacegodzilla is even a joke to people in the movie

-explanation is too complicated. Godzilla’s Gcells launched into space after mothra and “evil” mothra fought him in different movie and got put through a black hole and a white whole and then went into mutation chain?

-military wanting to try again, even though we all know they are going to fail again.

-Way to much starring off into the ocean/sunset.

-MOTHRA! Or is it the Twin Fairies as ittybitty mothra?

-Talking about Godzilla’s GoodGoodGood Good vibrations, which are technically downward spiral.

-I can’t love you because you think about hurting to much. Godzilla has feelings like humans. Cliché 1 and cliché 2

-I need to add a cliché count to this

-Also, overacting gauge.

-Revenge plot added to already plot filled movie.

-Military trying to use (kidnapped) Psychic girl to control Godzilla to fight SpaceGodzilla?

-Smarmy guy in jumpers and really long chin

-fat guy not wanting to leave claw machine when SPACEgodzilla attacks. Well he’s more just like fly by.

-Godzilla tracker is gone

-G-force? Again guys?

-Psychic was flipped over

-now is levitating bed? Da Hella?

-This guy just asked what Telekinesis is. How does he not know?

-Space Godzilla—is coming!


-Smarmy Scientist is freaking out because SpaceGodzilla is coming to kill him.

-Whoops Smarmy Scientist is dead. Oh well.

-seriously flying crystal turtle looking godzilla is not threatening.

-They are trying the mecha again?

-Yuki looks to old for lady scientist

-he gives her a gold zippo

-psychic gives her man the I’ve basically said I hate you but I am madly in love with you look. Cliché

-mecha looks like a penguin?

-I am going to let the cliché word drop for now because I am pretty sure you are tired of hearing it.

-crystal bodies to take over Tokyo?

-military butting in again so the inevitable kaiju rumble is delayed. It fails

-Godzilla knocks over building

-Yuki still trying to kill Godzilla

-Yuki is ringed

-Whoohoo more Spacegodzilla crystals glowing and screaming

-triumphant battle music with mecha is reminding me of “what a day in london” from Pocahontas 2

-Product placement?

-Spacegodzilla is fly with dancing crystals around him. Pretty

-the flying affect goofy looking.

-Spacegodzilla uses protect! Godzilla’s attack is thwarted!

-Crystal bombs!

-Flying firework crystals!

-That towns a model Arthur: SHH!

-Separation of penguin mecha commence

-Constipation face. I wonder if that’s Kristen Stewart’s ancestor or relative or something?

-Yuki got shot down!

-Godzilla takes down tower? Why was the tower important? I must have missed that

-A boxing match between Godzilla and Spacegodzilla? What did power attacks stop working?

-Hey military why are you shooting Godzilla? He’s helping you out!

-Shoulders crystals have been shattered! Was that something that needed doing?

-Oh, shlit. Godzilla is not happy.

-Yuki still trying to kill Godzilla even though he is still needed to kill Spacegodzilla. Seriously you dumbdickwaffle, stahp it!

-Yuki kamikazes himself and destroys model towers…and doesn’t die! The Hel?

-Psychic doing psychic stuff with her man…did psychic girl just kill Yuki?

-Godzilla walks away like a BAMF after blowing up Spacegodzilla and Mecha Penguin

-So romance man to psychic doesn’t die…and freaking Yuki is still alive…dang it. Someone make a spoof of Godzilla stepping on Yuki just because he deserves it!

-So that’s your explanation movie? That Spacegodzilla was a warning to man kind about the universe being polluted? Wasn’t that what Biollante was for?

-Psychic and Godzilla have a moment? Weird.

-Yuki runs off into the ocean after Godzilla o.O really dude give it up.

-Whoohoo Godzuki is safe! And starts a fire!

-Daw what a good destruction kaiju

-so psychic gets love interest and Ends with Godzilla walking off into the ocean.


Dang that is at least a good 4 pages worth of pure at the moment commentary about a movie. I hope you are happy, but actually it was kind of fun. It did help me pay more attention to the movies while I was doing this. Maybe I’ll do more reviews like this. You might not like them and if you don’t then I will turn the notes into paragraph form later on, but for right now. I am going to just post GVSpG and GVD. You tell me what you think based on my thoughts. Would you want to watch it? Since I didn’t comment about editing, voice acting, or quality of the screen, by just what I put down would you watch the Godzilla movies? Anyway that is about it for this post. Toodles.


Openly yours,



Gojira night Movie 1



Godzilla vs. DESTROYAH!



-brought back oxygen destroyer. Micro Ogygen

-tying into first movie

-Kids from the original love pair

-Precambrian area life in dirt sample? Hit with oxygen destroyer which makes it mutate

-water eats away at fish at local aquarium (new monster perhaps?)

-godzilla a ticking nuke bomb because of heart

-2 destroyah’s?

-talking to guy selling me this movie and he said Destroyah right and I commented on it he turns to me and said how else is it supposed to be pronounced. I told him I’ve heard people call it Detroyer when that’s not what it says. They think it’s just a typo.

-destroyah looks badass…does that mean there’s 3?

-gets bigger more it…eats?

-Poor tokyo

-Godzilla’s on fire!

-…not really he just looks like lava

-woman to loose powers? Wait what did I miss?

-Adult Godzuki (did I spell that right?)

-Godzilla hot hot reptile. 900 degrees hot that is.

-too much talky not enough Dai Kaiju

-dozens of DESTROYAHS!

-Now one big DESTROYAH!

-Destroyah destroying the city in daylight

-Godzuki (or minilla) wondering around, Godzilla following.

-Godzuki(Minilla) going to fight DESTROYAH!

-Destroyah is a horrible shot. :/

-Minilla takes down Destroyah with nuke breath

-Headbutting competition?

-Yay building destroying and explosions!

-GOJIRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! has arrived

-Destroyah is sucking Minilla’s life away! HURRY PA—wait never mind Godzuki blasted Destroyah’s ass. Dang he grew up to be a big boy.

-Daw Daddy and sons reunion. So cute!…Aw shlit,DESTROYAH IS BACK! And he’s badder then ever.

-Aw shlit he’s got wings!

-Godzilla is to hot for this movie, nearly 1200 degrees.

-Freeze Godzilla at right time.

-Play hammer time maybe he’ll pause when the song does?

-Oh,no! DESTROYAH kidnapped Minilla and dropped him on a building!! bites finger nails What next?

-He blows building up…..


-gasp! GODZUKI NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-Godzilla crying….

-Me crying….


-Rumble time with Ticking Nuke Bomb and Rebirth of the Oxygen DESTROYAH! (no that will never get old, sorry not sorry).

-Which one will destroy the planet themselves and the planet first?

-Ick DESTROYAH’s yellow blood.

-looks like piss

-Miniature DESTROYAHS are attacking.

-Gojira kicked your little crab like red arse DESTROYAH!

-Godzilla giving life to Minilla Or at least tried?

-Godzilla exploding

-DESTROYAH is not done yet?!

-Gojira’s melting!!No!:(

-Did you know that there’s a Wikizilla? I should investigate this.

-1200 meltdown

-being frozen now….*hideous sobbing*

-Gojira sniffles

-They gave him a beautiful death scene though.

-Gojira’s going bye bye.

-Please have a moment of silence for the dead Godzilla


-Godzuki? Is he alive?! GODZUKI!!!!!!

-Now slide show of past movies while rolling credits. Or more like just two scenes from the first movie? Alright then.



Wow, not as many notes as I thought I was going to put down for this one. Oh well. I enjoyed the movie. It’s about my favorite so far out of the franchise. Except for when Mothra show’s up. I really like Mothra. You might get that out of my next commentary on GVSpG. Also, if you watch this, trying yelling out DESTROYAH ever time Destroyah is on screen, it helps you get more involved and it’s fun to say it with a funny accent. So what do you think on my commentary? Would you watch it? Did you like how I did this? If not leave a comment and I will respond as soon as possible. Toodles.


Openly yours,
