Oh Canada….seriously?!


 “A stoner metalhead named Todd Smith, his crushee Jenny, his best friend Curtis, and the geeky Hannah, search their high school for a mayhem-causing Satanic spell book, while being opposed by Atticus, the evil guidance councilor.” -IMDB

Goodevening? Um, so today I’d like to bring up a show called, Todd and the book of Pure evil. Where do I start? Let’s start with the typical plot line; boy likes girl, girl is dating a jock/bully, girl doesn’t know boy, boy tries to empress her by some satanic powers or book in this case, and “hilarity” ensues. I guess it’s supposed to be. There are some spot that are funny. It’s pretty good just not as funny as they are going for. There is a bunch of gross humor; like pooping on a desk, or putting beer in spittoon and drinking it. Ewww. There is twisted humor like tearing out a persons heart and making a breaking your heart joke. Saw it coming but I thought it funny. Then there is dirty humor and tons of it. The entire plot is about trying to loose their virginity. Also, Penisbasilisk that has a voice of Ricardo Montalban (not really but it’s one of those voices).

It’s a good watch if you can get past the cliches, different humor, high school setting, and gore. Which I can. I grew up on B movies so cheap independent films are up my alley. This however, isn’t a movie it’s a show. There are two seasons and I think second one is better. It’s at least the one with the musical episode. Whoohoo! I forgot to mention that this show is heavy metal music based. Which I love that aspect because usually everything is pop or dance.

There is also some character development that makes no sense. Like the main girl character Jenny is a metal lover who is dating a jock. Then the protagonist Todd, acts like it’s strange for her to like jocks or that Jenny thinks that she’s not “popular” after being “popular”. One of the supporting girls Hannah is really bad at science, until dealing with the book, then she’s really good at science (even though that wasn’t the wish she made from the book). There is also a plot point of following around this one cheerleader that just won’t die. Seriously what good is a figurative red shirt (that’s a star trek reference look it up on TV tropes if you don’t get it), if they don’t die? Dear gods, why won’t she die? Futhermore how is a town built on satanism, not have more satanist in it? But that’s a big plot point that I don’t want to really tell you too much about. There are only 26 episodes, so I don’t think it would be a big issue for interested readers to watch. It’s on netflix right now. If you don’t have netflix try youtube.

So the people you need to know about is; Todd played by Alex House, Jenny played by Maggie Castle, Hannah played by Melanie Leishman, Curtis played by Bill Turnbull, Atticus played by Chris Leavins, and Jimmy played by Jason Mewes. These are basically the characters the show focuses on. But every episode focuses on a new canon fodder, or many. The story was created by Craig David Wallace, Charles Picco, and Anthony Leo. They have been trying desperately to make the third season but have been failing. So you have to deal with a teaser at the end of season 2 for now. Sorry guys. Todd and the book of pure evil aired in Canada September 2010 and ended January of 2012. And I hope they make the third season.

So what do you think? Are you going to watch Todd and the book of pure evil? Did I sway you? Lol probably not. Anyway, tell me what you think about the description or ask questions. I enjoy comments and reads. Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to read this. Toodles.

Openly yours,


6 Replies to “Oh Canada….seriously?!”

  1. I don’t get Space channel either. I’m not even sure what that channel is. That’s cool it’s on Comedy network though. It might be edited, but okay. It really isn’t that bad.

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