My Godzilla origins

 Hello, readers. Hehe ^^; still nervous after my last post. I really hope I did not gain major hate for it. I also know that this is my second post of the night, but I thought I’d post something a little more lively after the last one. How about I talk about….Godzilla? Yeah, I just got some really old Godzilla comics that was published by Marvel. These are like the first American Godzilla movies. So far they did better than Zilla (the 1998 USA remake of Godzilla. Toho renamed that creature Zilla and when the creature of Godzilla calls a movie out on it’s shlit you know it’s bad).

Yes, I actually plan on reading all of these and I have issues #1-#24 which are the only issues Marvel did. Dark Horse bought the rights after Marvel and then IDW start publishing their own too. I do not have any of the Dark Horse Godzilla though…I don’t think. The good thing, these might all be first print. Which is like first edition for an actual book, you have one of those in good condition you can get a lot of money. I saw the first issue of Marvel Godzilla at 9.8 points going for $150. I have all 24 what if they are all in the 9.0 points area? That’s some good money right there. However, I like Godzilla and these are very sentimental value on my behalf.

See back when I was just a little crouton my step-grandma would let me watch old monster movie marathons with her. Godzilla used to be my favorite. As was Dracula, but that’s a different post for another time. So, since I don’t get to see her very often Godzilla helps me think of good times with her. I don’t get to see them a lot because she lives like 4 plus hours away. Also, sad to say, I almost cannot stand to be around my Grandfather. Don’t get me wrong I love my Grandpa to death, but he has such an explosive temper and “opinionated”. Being opinionated is good, but Grandpa has something about everything. I wear my hair a certain way, “That doesn’t look good on you”; I read a book that he doesn’t find appropriate (which is all books), “Why does she have to read devilworshiping books”; I wear certain loose pants, “You need to wear a belt with that”. I cannot go down there and do anything and I have to spend hours on clothes to wear otherwise, that is all I hear. For the past few times I planned on going down, I haven’t went. Now I am supposed to go down coming this march and I’m already look for excuses. Now the weathers been bad. And deadlines are coming down for transferring to a different college. Also, mother’s getting remarried so her and I need to get my maids of honor outfit (see I’m a great daughter) and my spring break is about the only point that I have time to do any of this.

So I have a good reason to stay up here.

But I digress. I just only got back into watching the movies after I found Mothra vs. Godzilla and Godzilla raids again at a Mega Replay. I bought those and got back into it. The Zilla movie really disappointed me. Then after a short time getting back into it I hear there is another movie being released here from America. Now I’ve seen the trailers and it looks promising, but then so did Zilla. I just really hope it does great. But I also saw CGI. Sorry, but I’m a real big fan of practical affects. Which is the handmade rubber suits and makeup. So, I hope they took their time, because for me to like CGI it has got to look great, and I mean like it’s real. I guess his doesn’t make sense since I watch B movies like they are normal block buster movies. You know the really bad CGI movies on Sci-Fi (never using the other spelling) yeah I watch those all the time. I blame my other grandma for this. We used to sit down and watch all manners of movies. I mean everything! From silent movies to first talkies to 50’s romantic movies to horror classics. My grandmas and I have watched a lot. This is my addiction to movies.

My addiction to comics….well that’s my own boredom’s fault. I didn’t even get my first comic until like 2 years ago. Nearly 3. I was on a trip to Iowa to see my aunt with mother and as they were thrift shopping I found a comic rack and there were a few that actually looked interesting so I got a few and was hooked. So the fact that Godzilla was also in comics made me extremely happy this means I could take Godzilla with me where ever I went. Except to Grandparents 4 plus hours away from here. Grandpa wouldn’t find it at all appeasing. No, all we do down there is watch westerns or they have me working around the house. Because I’m young and have energy to spare? Thanks.


Anyway, thanks for reading. Any questions or concerns? If you have old or B movie (or any other movies for that matter) suggestions leave a comment and I’ll get to you as soon as I can. Thank you for taking time to read this almost pointless blog post. Toodles!


Openly Yours,



2 Replies to “My Godzilla origins”

  1. Well you seem to have a lot to tell, Danni. Nice to meet you. I like Bram Stoker’s books too. Have a great weekend, dear.

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