Vday Apocalypse


 Welcome back readers! So good to see you drop by, now since I posted two blogs last night having nothing to do with Valentine’s day, I will be doing that today! Enjoy! 😀

So yesterday was actually and unexpectedly good day. My fiance and I had not planned to doing anything for Valentine’s day besides sit around and watch controversial movies for couples to watch, and analyze why having such a category was stupid. Apparently, most of the movies were very sexually open or people had cheated. As we watched I could only see why one would be bad to watch however, I found the reasoning stupid and the other I think all couples should watch because it’s saying to leave all of the things that a person did before you in the past. It’s not saying not to ask, but it’s saying not to care. Which my fiance and I have always been more then open about our sexual exploits and ex-s. Neither of us cared about them. Which I say makes a strong relationship. Not everybody will and might act how the protagonist did in the movie towards such things, I’m just glad I didn’t have to put up with it. Anyway, so Vday morning I was just expecting to wake up go get some breakfast then drop by Acme and Mega Replay for some shopping. Nothing special. That is not the surprise I got when I woke up in the morning. Lol. Anyway, after we are up we go to lunch. Go to Acme, I get my Gojira comics, he also get some pretty interesting looking comics. Then we go to Mega Replay I didn’t get anything, he did. So, this is our usual Fridays after not getting out during the week because of school and my campus job, and then something for him to do before his weekend shifts. Then we get me food for the weekend and while we are at Wal Mart, he decides he wants to get me something for Valentine’s day. I’m confused on why, since he hates the day, and I said we wouldn’t celebrate it since I wasn’t feeling like it this year. Holidays are really starting to bare down on me. So he gets us some chocolates to share and lets me pick out a plushie. I find this little red owl with a rainbow stomach, small blue wings, and cute little pink feet, I knew I couldn’t live without him. My criteria for shopping is I do not get anything that I just feel like I cannot live without. Or that my heart really calls too. This is why I can save money easily. Then I see this burlap frog, knowing he’d just love it, so I point it out. Of course he does so I got him that. Then we came back home and watched some more movies. So even though we hadn’t meant to celebrate Vday, I guess we kind of did. Whoops. And all of this during a snow storm xD But it was a really good day so this made me happy. Also really glad that Vday wasn’t set on the 15th (today) otherwise the day would be ruined just by it being a multiple of…..(glares) 5. However, that is for another post, if you want an older blog.


How was your Vday? Did you not celebrate? Or are you one of the people that hate the day just because you are alone? Which is a rant I won’t get into. Anway, I hope you all had a good day. Any comments or questions please leave a comment and I will get to you as soon as possible. Thanks for reading! Toodles!


Openly yours



4 Replies to “Vday Apocalypse”

  1. Well, it was not really Victory Day. Kind of Omaha Beach Day! I like reading your adventures, dear Danni. As though I was getting into youth again. Have a great Sunday,dear. 🙂

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