Hiatus break


 Greetings readers! I know, once again I was on hiatus. Apologies. There hasn’t been much to tell. I mean besides my mother’s new relationship fell through (shocker). That’s really not anything big. I had my predictions after she left my step-dad and they came true.

I did get some new Godzilla movies. I’ll let you know how that turns out when I watch them again. I couldn’t analyzed or review without the access to internet being on spring break. Anyway, just a lot of stress lately with trying to transfer to another college and taxes. Speaking of which filing taxes was SO MUCH FUN!!! NOT!!!!!!!!!! I got $60 back from Fed., and got to pay in $150 for State!!! WTF?! I am a poor….underline that….poor….college student! What the ever living Hella?! Oh and on top of that since I was e-filing I had to pay an extra $30 dollars for sending them into the flucking state! So that is $180 I shelled out for taxes. That flucking sucked! Besides that though I have to pay mother $200 for insurance and $500 for books this coming summer for school. HUZZAH! Shelling out money that I don’t even have. How wonderful is that? On top of all this; I need a new computer, and the only one I will settle for is $1,500 with anti-virus, Microsoft office, student 2014 (3), and warranty. Even better.

Not to mention food, clothing, shoes, necessities, gas, and rent. Someone please find me a job? I have been trying and trying and trying, yet nothing. I just love my life.


Also, yesterday was saint Patrick’s day. I hate Saint Patrick’s day, seriously it’s a waist of time and an insult to celebrate. Especially for me. I really don’t get why American celebrate it anyway? We had nothing to do with it. The action that caused this holiday didn’t happen on American soil. And wouldn’t peoples families that got chased out from Ireland (the ones that survived anyway) wouldn’t they hate Saint Patrick’s day? That is a big reason why I don’t like Saint Patrick’s day is because a large potion of my family got chased out of Ireland. Why? Because they were the so called “pagans”. Saint Patrick my arse. He’s no saint he’s a murderer and he shouldn’t be celebrated.


Anyway, that is about all I’ve got for tonight. I’ll try to be more frequent with my postings. Toodles.



Openly yours,




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